Foldy960 Responsive Grids

I ran across these Foldy960 Grids the other week while compiling data for the Microsoft Website Redesign post and found these quite useful in helping me understand the workings of Responsive Design from a couple of innovators… It’s a little kit and some extra classes to get you going on making your design responsive.

Circular Patterns From Text Phrases

I ran across this last week and it immediately got a post to our Facebook account, after playing around with it for a week, I really think it deserves a post on the ol’ blog. With Phrase, it’s a breeze to make killer, meaningful circular patterns by just copy and pasting a phrase (also good for keeping track of letters, etc.).  One thing, I wish the output file was a vector source, this way it would be easier to edit and adapt. Nonetheless, biggups to Really Simple for making this one happen and being People’s Choice for 10k Apart.

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Non-Destructive Editing Techniques

I just ran across this cool tutorial on PSDTUTS and thougt it had some awesome info about maximizing your efficency as a designer, and personally I feel non-destructive editing is key. If you are unfamiliar with non-destructive editing, in a nutshell it means not making permanent alterations or do damage to the original image file data placed or otherwise. This will in turn maximize the editability of the file for future revisions, alterations, etc..

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Free Vector Icons

I was on one of my favorite Envato tutorial sites, VectorTuts and and ran across these nifty little icons. I found them quite handy so I figured I’d share them. Need more free vector icons? Check out the main VectorTuts post.

Caffeine Lab on Google Drive

Here’s something fairly new I found out the other day… Google is crossing over their Google Docs to a full fledged cloud service now known as Google Drive… Competition is harsh out there for free cloud storage providers (Dropbox: 2GB free account, 2Shared: 15GB free account, and the list goes on), but I think what Google lacks in free space (5GB) it makes up for it in it’s bells and whistles.

Now all Caffeine Clients will have their own folder on Caffeine’s secure Google Drive where they will find all their files, track revisions, store finals and transfer large file to the folder with ease.

iPad GUI PSD (Retina Display)

Teehan+Lax bring us their newest freebie in the form of the iPad 4 User Interface elements… This, and all the other downloads off their site are super-high quality made with vector shapes and layer styles.

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